
Putting Us on the Map

Often we will have people stop into the shop and tell us where they have happened upon our cheeses in their travels. There are stories of Hooligans in the streets New Orleans, Dutch Farmstead in the plains of the Midwest, Bloomsday in the city of brotherly love. We truly appreciate the cheese shops, groceries, gastropubs, cafes, and more that have helped us share our cheese with those who don't get to the farm.

To honor those cheese enthusiasts who have put us on the map, we've decided to put them on our own map. Our new map is a small artifact of cheese cartography intended to connect our cheese and our friends wherever they may find themselves.

Please take a look at the map, it may surprise you how close you might be to a hunk of Cato Corner Cheese either in a monger's case or on a chef's plate. The map will have a permanent home on our 'shop' page, and we hope to keep adding new points to the map as we go along. Feel free to let us know if we've overlooked a spot that you think we should pin on to the map, and please do explore all of the cheeses you'll find at any of these great places.

Red markers indicate cheese shops and groceries that carry our cheese. Green markers indicate restaurants that often feature our cheese on their menu. Blue markers indicate farmer's markets where you can find our cheese. Yellow markers indicate wholesale distributors.